Monday, October 29, 2007

ACE Graduate ceremony!

25th October this year was one of my auspicious day of my life!!! It was General English graduate ceremony at ACE, Australian Centre for Education, one of the most famous English school in Cambodia! Actually, there was a long path to reach this as I started since January 2006. Students gathered and celebrated.... It was extremely fun and enjoyable... Note: for all friends who had the camera on that day, please send me those pictures as soon as possible, thanks in advance.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Do you know what the advantages of palm tree are

Palm tree which is a symbol of Cambodian identity provides tremendous advantages:
1. Palm leaves for roofing
2. Palm fruits for cooking and cakes
3. Palm juice for Vinegar, Palm beer and Sugar
4. Palm branches
5. Palm roots for traditional medicines
6. Palm trunk for boats to transport domestic products

How to be successful?

1. Optimism
2. Looking for possibilities and opportunities
3. Patient and Enjoy life
4. Win-win policy
5. half of full, dream and ambition
6. Learn from mistakes
7. Raise up own self
8. Responsibility
9. Can Control own self
10. Live hopefully

10 mistakes leading to fail!

1. Pessimism
2. See only problems and difficulties
3. Do not risk, afraid
4. Win-lose
5. Jealous and hate own life
6. Avoid correcting mistakes
7. Look down own self
8. Blame other people and situation
9. Cannot control own self
10. Live hopelessly