Sunday, May 27, 2007

Now It's time to Know what S.2 mean!!

After posting a question of What does S.2 mean for about 2 weeks, I have gotten quite more e-mails and some guesses of the meaning. However, nobody got 100% the correct answer.
Now I tell you S.2 stand for“ Success Together “! Anyone may wonder the reasons why I created this word as my nickname. To begin with the first experience of my life was completely successful, so that I determined to be a Permanent successful person, to win over everything and to get everything that I want to get. After, I faced a few problems that were obstacles which could not fulfill my dreams. Next, I faced a few times of failure, so I was really exhausted and bored of everything around me. While my feeling was in a worse condition, I thought that everything I met not the failure, but those were experiences which could lead me to be the brightest future leader with high responsibility. Meanwhile, any competitions must have winners and losers, thus losers have to wait successful time and they may have a more successful than the one who got first. According to a proverb that POEPLE BORN NOT TO FAIL BUT TO SUCCESS, it is mean that everybody can be successful.
As a result, Successful Together(S.2) is the word to motivate myself as well as people to respond for all the failures and try to learn from mistakes. S.2 is hided a word that I always tell myself that “ You are not success every time, but you have to choose time to success ”.
Any comments please contact.


  1. hey.SS!2day I visited ur blog!I STILL12CALL U SS?HAHA..

  2. hey i'll give the answer when i've studied... bear wit me .. pls don post before i guess

    has has ha,,,
    thanks in advance
